
When Prophet Ibrahim peace and blessings be upon him obeyed the command of Allah to bring his family in the Valley of Mecca, he had only one objective in mind.

Assalamu Alaikum Wa rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh

My name is Hassan Salah, The President and Co-founder of Salahuddin Future Academy (SAFA). As an experienced pediatrician and an expert in childhood development, through the many years of practice, I have observed that there is a significant deterioration of the behavior and psycho-social development of the upcoming generation, including our Muslim youth. Non-Muslim children in this society are raised often by broken families, with single parents, no parents or busy parents that allow their children to be controlled by capitalismmaterialism, and Atheism.

Our Muslim youth are being brought up with children who come from families, with much deviation from the deen’s guidance. They identify with role models who are presented to them by a corrupt environment through media. Even the majority of Muslim children who come from most devout Muslim families intermingle with Non-Muslim youth, and end up getting confused about their deen and having doubt about their Muslim beliefs. They only practice Islam and its values at home with their parents. Often, when they leave home, they become different kids. Many of the Muslim youth today are either not regular in their prayer or don’t pray at all. Prophet Muhammed said in a hadith by Abu Omama, “The bonds of Islam will be undone over time first will be the Islamic ruling (khelafa) and last is lack of prayer.”

When Prophet Ibrahim peace and blessings be upon him obeyed the command of Allah to bring his family in the Valley of Mecca, he had only one objective in mind: he wanted his progeny to establish prayers.

When we established the SAFA program, I only had this in my mind: I wanted to get the Muslim youth to regularly establish Jamaa’a prayer wherever they are. In SAFA, whether it is in the Islamic school, the learning center, or the home school program, we break for Zuhur to pray. Just establishing the Jamaa’a will lead to all of the good things that every parent would like for their children: the best education, the best Muslim friends and the best level of Iman.

My dear Muslim parents, our goal in SAFA is to have every Muslim child to be mindful of his prayer. By making SAFA schooling available for every Muslim child, we are inviting this upcoming generation to have a bright future in terms of education, and most importantly, Iman.

Our goal in SAFA is to make sure that no child is left behind. We are doing our best to extend a hand to every Muslim to come establish prayer with us and join us for standing up for the cause of Allah. The Muslim youth will come together and become the best Muslim generation we have seen so far. They all have the chance to become this at SAFA.
